Styling by Athena Calderone
Athena Calderone uses branches from her garden’s hedge to dramatic effect on her kitchen island. Prepared properly (here’s the video here) they can last for weeks, with just a wipe of the bench now and then for dropped blossoms.
Scupture by Emma Lindegaard, Styling Anfisa Floral
If you are lucky enough to have any sculptures in your home, consider using them as contemporary vessels for flowers. If your sculpture would be damaged by water, place a glass inside to hold the florals, or simply leave to dry naturally, as Anfisa Florals has done here.
Design Adela Sivewright, Photo by Carla Atley Creative
When it comes to adding a fresh natural touch to our homes, it’s so easy to buy a prepared bouquet or two with the groceries, find a largish vase and just add water. Often it’s the last touch after a hectic round of cleaning before friends or family arrive.
My tip to better floral styling that looks oh so natural is to actually plan in advance if it’s for an occasion, look for what is in season, and enjoy this process of beautifying your home.
Kitchen by Sisalla, photo by Tess Kelly
Even in the middle of Winter, bare branches can look dramatic. You need to choose ones that have a nice shape and think about how they will go together in the vase. This looks particularly good against a white wall as in this East Hawthorn kitchen by Sisalla. No water needed!
Flowers from Floral Army, Styling by Adela Sivewright
When placing your florals or foliage in their vase, work with the containers’ shape. Here, native bottlebrush fall naturally into the curves of the vase, meaning that only several beautiful stems are needed to make a statement. If your arrangements in glass vases are particularly long lasting, remove and give the vase a clean to keep a fresh and inspiring look.